A lesson plan for the home with a book, music and activities: A Is for All the Things You Are: A Joyful ABC Book is an alphabet board book developed by the National Museum of African American History and Culture that celebrates what makes us unique as individuals and...
Resources for 9 to 12 years
¡Aprobado! Una Historia Acerca de la Junta de Acuerdos
¿Cómo pueden los niños trabajar de forma cooperativa para tomar decisiones? Los niños en una junta Cuáquera necesitan decidir qué hacer con el dinero que han recaudado. Ellos conducen su propia junta acuerdos. La historia utiliza un lenguaje claro, sencillo y unas...
Approved! A Story About Quaker Meeting for Business
How can children work cooperatively to make decisions? Approved! A Story About Quaker Meeting for Business tells of a group of children who want to donate the money they earned selling hot dogs at their Quaker meeting. The story uses simple, clear language and...
The Light: A Story for December
Cultures all over the world celebrate festivals of Light, often in December. This story, told in the Faith & Play style. uses symbols of Light in a simple, profound way to introduce these festivals in Quaker religious education.
Settling Routine
We use this settling routine from Ann Arbor (MI) Friends Meeting with all our kids, sometimes omitting a line or two. It's important to have chairs an appropriate height for all children so their toes can touch the floor. Sitting on the floor with knees bent and feet...
Loaves and Fishes
This picture-book version of the Biblical parable of the loaves and fishes tells the story from the perspective of the young boy who offers up his simple lunch of rye bread loaves and fish he'd caught at his quiet fishing spot to Jesus, who uses them to feed the...
George Fox: The Man Who Wouldn’t
A delightful collection of children's stories about George Fox, the man who wouldn't tip his hat; go to church; pretend; carry a sword.
Religious Education for the Home and Small Meeting
This is an idea packet assembled for families and small meetings who seek to educate children in Quaker faith and practice. Originally published in 1986, this is a treasure trove, worthy of adaptation and revision given that most Quaker meetings still face these...
El Reino Pacífico plan de estudio
Esperamos que este material sea de apoyo para el programa de educación de niños en su iglesia Amigos o reunión Cúaquera. El testimonio de paz de los Amigos, el cual es extraído naturalmente de la creencia de que hay algo de Dios en cada una de las personas, ha sido la...
Busy Box
A Busy Box can be kept on hand should children arrive at a small meeting with no formal religious education program. For Meetings with an RE program, the Busy Box is useful to help young Friends quietly join Meeting for Worship before or after the lesson. Friendly...
Children’s Meeting of 1663
In 1663, when all adults from Reading Friends Meeting were imprisoned for their faith, the children of the Meeting continued worship in the manner of Friends. This legend of Quaker Faith and Practice illustrates integrity, courage and non-violent resistance in the...
Plays for the Christmas Holidays
We are grateful to Nancy Pickering of Middletown Friends Meeting (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting) for three plays celebrating the Christmas season This is the Stable, A simple telling of the Nativity with readings from the book by Cynthia Cotten, illustrated by Delana...
Integrity & Authenticity
This 11-lesson curriculum for First Day School explores four aspects of integrity: truth telling, authenticity, faithfulness/loyalty to the Truth, corporate action (our communal accountability to the Truth). For each week, there are engaging activities and/or...
Being Present — Worship Bowl Lesson
A lesson on being present and how we bring our whole selves to waiting worship in the meeting. Download/view lesson plan here.
Quaker Children and the Bolivian Water Crisis
In 2016, when global warming left the entire city of La Paz without drinking water for weeks, the Friends International Bilingual Center (FIBC) seized the teachable moment to educate children about the crisis and what they could do to help. Through QREC, Friends in...
The Questions We Ask: A First Day School Lesson
The Questions We Ask is a lesson for older children and young teens. Karen Greenler (Madison Meeting, WI) has created an exploration of the creation story in Genesis laid alongside the Big Bang Theory. Her approach is addressed to"Quaker skeptics," the young Friends...
Discovering Our Faith through Story and Play
Part one of the booklet contains the classic Quaker stories of George Fox, Elizabeth Fry, Stephen Grellet, William Pickett, Mary Fisher and John Woolman. Part two has stories of the experience of meeting for worship. The third part consists of two biblical...
El Curriculo de la Vida de John Woolman
Había un gran interés en mi mente en no ocupar mi tiempo con relación a las cosas externas, de tal manera que nada me impidiera tener la fiel atención a la voz del Pastor Verdadero. —El diario de John Woolman, 1743, p.18 Este currículo es el resultado de una...
La Vida de Lucretia Coffin Mott — Obra de teatro
Una obra de teatro sobre la vida de Lucretia Mott (1793–1880) por Thomas Leverett. Lucretia es retratada tanto de niña como de adulta e incluye a otras figuras históricas: Elias Hicks, Thomas Coffin (su esposo), Lucy Stone (una activista por los derechos de las...
QREC Videos: Welcoming children and families into Quaker meeting
A series of six videos to help Quaker monthly meetings and worship groups welcome children and families. Recorded by Melinda Wenner Bradley in the Fall 2015. Rachel Guaraldi was the Videographer.
Howard Thurman’s Closeness to God
This lesson plan introduces young Friends to Howard Thurman (1899-1982), African-American religious leader, writer and philosopher. Although Thurman was not a Quaker, he became a close friend of Quakers in the course of his work. His writings have been published by...
Stand Your Ground: The Life and Accomplishment of Paul Robeson
Three lessons on the life and accomplishment of Paul Robeson (1898–1976), in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Contains ideas for how to recognize and use our talents and how to gather the courage to stand up for what we, as Quakers, believe....
Meeting Tips
This booklet contains 15 brief illustrated tips to be read and shown to children and young people as they are preparing to go into Meeting for Worship. Good for Friends school teachers who are getting their students ready to go into meeting. For 4th through 8th grade...
Christmas Programs with a Twist
This curriculum is full of Christmas Plays for First Day School children, youth and adults to create for the Christmas Season. Created by Elinor Briggs of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. At Christmastime, as at other times of the year, Friends look for programs that...