Support for youth to discern conscientious objection is a vital ministry for Quaker meetings. The teen years are the best time to start documentation for a CO claim in the U.S. because Selective Service registration is required of all 18-year-old males, and perhaps females in the future. Beyond that, the peace testimony is central to Quaker identity, making education about conscientious objection paramount for Quaker teens.
Past Events Category
Experiments in Celebration and Simplicity in Quaker Meetings, Summary
During the Christmas season and other holidays, Friends Meetings may celebrate as a way to experience wonder and light, rejoice in intergenerational community, and engage in cultural traditions. At the same time, we are called by the testimony of simplicity that is essential to Quaker faith and practice. We celebrate, in part, for the sake of children in our meeting and recognize that when the adult Friends who curate these celebrations are centered, the spiritual meaning comes through for children.
Summary: Religious Education (RE) Committees
Serving on the religious education committee is a contribution to the meeting, a spiritual practice, a way to be truly present with Friends, and a calling to nurture spiritual growth among Friends of all ages. Join this conversation to share experiences, challenges and practices for Quaker RE committees.
Conversation Circles: Welcoming Families to Quaker Community
Raising children to lead kind, respectful, creative lives is challenging. In today’s fast paced world, it is easy for parents and caregivers to feel buffeted by hurried schedules, multiple demands and our technology-driven culture. Join these conversations to explore how your Meeting can welcome, engage and nurture families.
Conversation Circles: What if Children Learned to Read by Reading About Peace?
Join these conversation circles to learn about Children’s Peace Libraries, a project of Friends Peace Teams
Listening Circle: Inviting Children’s Participation in Worship
Join these listening circles to explore children’s participation in Quaker Meeting for Worship. These conversations will support a Friend’s seminary research from which will emerge a guide for how to be an intergenerational spiritual community and how to encourage reciprocity across generations.
Faith & Play: Stories of Quaker faith, practice, and witness for Friends
Join this conversation to explore Faith & Play™: Stories of Quaker faith, practice and witness told in the manner of Godly Play® The conversation on Thursday will be simultaneously interpreted into Spanish
Using the Arts in our Practices and Programming
Learn about using arts in Quaker Religious Education (RE) practices and programming in this presentation by Laura MacNorlin from the 2023 QREC Annual Conference.
Sparkling Still: A Core Quaker Curriculum for Ages 3-8
Join this conversation to learn about Sparkling Still, the core Quaker curriculum for ages 3-8 based on children’s picture books.
Summary: Radical Acceptance of Children & Youth in Quaker Meetings
This conversation explored how to help meetings fully include all children in the Meeting community, especially those whose interest, behavior, energy level, or identity, make adults Friends feel uncomfortable.
Radical Acceptance of Children & Youth in Quaker Meetings
Join this conversation to explore how to our meetings fully include all children in the Meeting community, especially those whose interest, behavior, energy level, or identity, make adults Friends feel uncomfortable.
Outreach to Families: Support for Parenting in Community
Conversations to help Quaker Meetings organize gatherings to support parents and families. Tuesday, September 19, 1pm ET and Thursday, September 21, 8pm ET
QREC 2023 Annual Conference November 3-5
Join the QREC 2023 Annual Conference in-person in Winchester, Indiana or online around the Quaker world. Celebrate and strengthen our work and ministry as Quaker spiritual nurturers and faith formation guides.
Summary: Is your Friends’ Meeting/Church welcoming to families, children and youth?
Conversations to help Friends Meetings fully include children and families. Tuesday, August 29 and Thursday August 31
Young Adult Friends – Forming a Community of Practice
Conversations to nurture a community of practice among and for young adult Friends. Tuesday, May 16 and Thursday, May 18
Summary: Paid Religious Education (RE) Staff in Quaker Meetings
Conversations to help meetings discern the value of paid religious education staff in ministry for children and families.
Conscientious Objection: Is this for you?
Two interactive online sessions to help young Friends consider: 1. functions of the US military; 2. how Selective Service System (SSS) works, and; 3. how to seek conscientious objector (CO) status and alternative service. Young Friends will hear from Friends who sought CO status during previous US wars.
Blended or Hybrid Quaker Meetings: Supportive Technology and Technique — October Conversation Circles
Many Quaker communities are exploring hybrid or blended meetings in which some Friends sit in the meeting room while others attend online. Join this conversation to learn from Friends with deep experience of inclusive technology and technique to support Quaker worship and process. October 18 &20, 2022
RISE: A Curriculum for Quaker Youth — November Conversation Circles
Relationships and sexuality are central to the spiritual work of adolescence. In these conversations, learn about RISE, a human relationship and sexuality curriculum for 7th and 8th grade Quakers developed by Durham Friends Meeting. November 15 & 17, 2022
Quaker Parent Mutual Support Groups
Now in their third year, these online mutual support groups are open to Quaker parents anywhere.
Experiments in Meeting for Worship, Plain, Virtual, Blended — Conversation Summary
Quakerism has been an experimental faith, and the disruption of these times has opened a profound experiment in Meeting for Worship. Conversation summary as we seek to evolve our understanding through shared experience of plain, virtual and blended Meeting for Worship.
QREC 2022 Annual Conference August 12-14: Finding Our Footing on the Path Ahead
Join the QREC 2022 Annual Conference! In-person in Hickory NC, and online around the Quaker world. Explore how to strengthen and revitalize your local Quaker RE community of practice. Connect in Spirit-filled community with other Quaker religious educators.
Protecting Our Children: Child Safety in Quaker Meetings — Conversation Circle Summary
Join this conversation to learn about the Britain Yearly Meeting Safeguarding Program and to share thoughts and resources on child safety in Meetings.
Walking With the Bible Series
Beacon Hill Friends House offered a series of 9 monthly online Bible sessions led by North American Bible leaders from a variety of backgrounds from October 2020 through June 2021 in cooperation with Woolman Hill Quaker Retreat Center. Beacon Hill also offered three...