Quaker Faith & Practice Resources

How Maps Change Things

How Maps Change Things

A Conversation about the Maps We Choose and the World We Want I'd love to see this book in every Quaker home and Friends meeting/church library. It's a surprisingly short and utterly engaging journey from world maps to questions of social justice and it's worth it...

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The Day You Begin

The Day You Begin

Everyone has times when they don't feel they belong, when they feel, and often are, outside the circle looking in. Maybe it is the way we look, or speak, or the food in our lunch bag that leaves us feeling like the outsider. Woodson warmly encourages us to dare to...

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Enemy Pie

Enemy Pie

This delicious story proves that the best way to defeat an enemy is by making him your friend! A perfect summer is ruined when Jeremy Ross moves into town. He laughs when you strike out at baseball and is playing with your best friend. But Dad has some real wisdom...

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The Invisible Boy

The Invisible Boy

It's easy to be lost and overlooked in a noisy world of boisterous classmates. Brian lives on the margins in the lunch room, the playground, and even in class. That is until, Justin moves to town. Brian steps out of his comfort zone just a bit and finds a new friend...

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Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch

Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch celebrates how love can change lives and how our community can bring that love into action. Mr. Hatch's quiet, lonely world is delightfully turned upside down when the postman delivers a Valentine's Day box of chocolates from a secret...

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The Empty Pot

The Empty Pot

Honesty and integrity can often require real courage of us! In this classic Chinese children's story, we learn once again that "Honesty is the best policy." Ping was a young schoolboy who loved to grow flowers. He embraced the Emperor's challenge to grow the best...

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Say Something

Say Something

Say Something takes us on the short but significant journey from being a silent bystander to an engaged community member with small, simple acts of inclusion like acknowledging a new student in a class or sitting next to someone on the bus. Bullying and teasing can be...

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Finding the Light Within Us: Queries for Quaker Families

Finding the Light Within Us: Queries for Quaker Families

Vocations and Gifts Parents: Is your work compatible with your values? Is the life of the business/institution for which you work broadly in line with the Quaker values of peace, justice, equality, simplicity, integrity, and community? Do you listen inwardly for new...

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I Think, I Am! Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations

I Think, I Am! Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations

I Think, I Am! can be a bridge for children from hearing about their gifts to embracing those words and incorporating them into their understanding of themselves. Being able to acknowledge our gifts is a crucial step on the Quaker faith formation journey. "Your...

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Jack’s Talent

Jack’s Talent

"You must be good at something," said Miss Lucinda. "Everyone has a special talent." On the first day of school, Miss Lucinda asks the students to share their special talents. Francesca is a star soccer player, Matthew can catch huge fish with his grandpa, and Candace...

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Teaching the Language of Childrenā€™s Spirituality

Teaching the Language of Childrenā€™s Spirituality

We as human beings need stories. It's this primal part of who we are as a human race ā€” from the very beginning. That's how we have always made meaning. Telling stories, over and over again. Caryl Cresswell, a recorded minister in Sierra Cascades Yearly Meeting, a...

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Weaving Quaker Activists Into First Day Schools

Weaving Quaker Activists Into First Day Schools

Make your Quaker Religious Education come alive! Weave Quaker Activists into your lesson plans bringing a fresh, contemporary voice of lived Quakerism to your Friends Meeting or Church. Use digital technology to invite the world into your classroom in the person of a...

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Bayard Rustin: Troublemaker for Justice

Bayard Rustin: Troublemaker for Justice

A biography for younger readers about one of the most influential activists of our time, who was an early advocate for African Americans and for gay rights. Bayard Rustin was a major figure in the Civil Rights movement. He was arrested on a bus 13 years before Rosa...

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Celebrate our World Family of Friends!

Celebrate our World Family of Friends!

QREC has partnered with Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) to create materials to accompanyĀ five FWCC-QuakerSpeak videos released in 2016-17. The short videos areĀ wonderful places to begin an exploration of Quakers worldwide, includingĀ what we share...

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QREC Suggested Religious Education Web Resources

QREC Suggested Religious Education Web Resources

A rich collection of useful websites with curricula and learning materials from many different yearly meetings, Quaker organizations and other educational organizations for teaching all ages. Please use the comment section below to suggest other websites that should...

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Walking in the World as a Friend

Walking in the World as a Friend

"What do we do that makes us Quakers?" Follow how essential Quaker practices weave together the individual, Quaker community and Spirit, creating a unique, vital and transformative dynamic. The 15 short, free videos are great discussion starters. You can purchase...

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My Mandala: What is Your Spiritual Journey?

My Mandala: What is Your Spiritual Journey?

This experiential curriculum uses mandalas to help children learn about their past and current connection to the Divine and to their faith community. Can be taught in one or more lessons.Ā  From the authorā€¦ "In 2017, the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions...

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Passages: A Guide to Developing a Coming-of-Age Program

Passages: A Guide to Developing a Coming-of-Age Program

Many faiths mark the transition of young people to teenage/adult status with a special process: learning, performance or ceremony. Quakers do not have a particular tradition for doing this. Some Friends have felt a yearning to honor this transition within their...

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Parable of the Talents, Friends Squash Project

Parable of the Talents, Friends Squash Project

This article is a modern enactment of the parable of the talents, and speaks to what can be done together with the right leading. I am trying to remember the Hubbard squash seeds. Did they arrive in my childhood, sixty years ago?Ā  I am not sure.Ā I surely remember...

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The Gardener

The Gardener

Lydia Grace Finch brings a suitcase full of seeds to the big gray city, where she goes to stay with her Uncle Jim, a cantankerous baker. There she initiates a gradual transformation, bit by bit brightening the shop and bringing smiles to customers' faces with the...

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An Introduction

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC) is an international, cross-branch, grassroots network of Friends sharing a stewardship for lifelong Quaker faith formation through religious education. We formed in April 2014 and now serve more than 300 Friends in our network. We actively engage and support each other across languages and continents. We gather for regional and annual conferences and offer monthly Conversation Circles via an online conferencing platform.Ā 

Steering Circle

We share leadership as part of our collaborative mission, making decisions using the Quaker ā€˜sense of the meetingā€™ process, sitting in expectant, worshipful waiting for the emergence of shared truth. Read moreā€¦

Working Circles

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Our workĀ  takes place in ā€˜circlesā€™ or small groups of Friends who labor on a common task, usually meeting by video conference due to the geographic diversity of the membership. Read moreā€¦

The Resource Library

Finders Guide, a sampling of the collection

The QREC Resource Library is a place to share lessons and other educational information in support of our work as Quaker religious educators. This library is a forum for curricula, articles, videos and other educational materials on Quaker themes. You will also find principles, policies and procedures to strengthen operation of your child, youth and adult religious education programs.

Children’s Education

Adult Education


African Quaker Library

Youth Education

Small Meetings

Young Adult Friends

Biblioteca QREC


Find renewal, companionship, and help for nitty gritty issues in Quaker religious education, all the while opening spaces for Spirit to work and listening together for Godā€™s way forward.

QREC holds an annual conference and retreat. In addition we hold online Conversation Circles and post other religious education events as we learn about them.

Conversation Circles

Online conferences for Quaker religious educators to share about their work. Conversations are scheduled for two sessions per topic to encourage international participation. Ā Join the conversationā€¦

Other Events

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Religious education events of interest to Quakers from all parts of the world. Please let us know about upcoming online or in-person events happening in your area. See the list of upcoming eventsā€¦

Love at the Heart

Spiritual Practices


Active Caring

Quaker Family Culture

Finding the Light

Faith at Home

Home is the heart of faith formation for all families. This is especially true for Friends. As an experiential religion, Quakerism is best learned through living in loving community. Indeed, the vast majority of faith formation for our young Friends happens at home in the busy swirl of daily life.

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QREC depends on all of us sharing our gifts and skills as religious educators. Here are some of the ways you can get involvedā€¦